Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Who Review: "Deep Breath"

The Doctor is Back!

But is he a good man? And was the premiere of season 8 actually any good?

12th Doctor and Clara

All right, let's get one thing straight. I love Doctor Who. I've been watching the show in one form or another since I was six years old, it's always enthralled me. Even at its worst, Doctor Who is still my favorite bit of science fiction on television. No other show tells stories quite like the stories you get when you travel around with a centuries-old Time Lord who picks up stray humans (and the occasional human-looking alien or tin dog) and drags them through all of space and time in a rickety old time machine. The reruns of the old show on PBS in the 80s introduced me to concepts that blew my pre-teen mind. The new show, since 2005, has done the same for my adult brain.

With that in mind, then, I have to confess that "Deep Breath," the debut episode of Peter Capaldi, the 13th actor to play the Doctor on-screen (although he's still called the 12th Doctor because John Hurt's incarnation was a secret - come on, keep up!) was mostly lackluster. However, it did have some great bits that showcased Capaldi, Jenna Coleman as his assistant Clara, and the new tone for the series.